Last oil paintings .

Handmade oil Painting

We create your best gift with love and dedication.

Pet Art Potraits .

Art Portrait believes in the magic of remembering our best canine friends, capturing their personality, essence, and love for us.

In a special work of art to be cherished.

Our art pieces are completely customized, starting from the photos provided, making adjustments for the initial proposal, and ultimately creating a painting that will endure over time.

How to Start .


Upload Your pet´s photos

"Our artist will choose the best photo that represents the finest qualities of your best friend."

pet portrait

Review, Change & Approve

Receive your preview link via Email and SMS within 5 days We will make you desired changes before start your painting.


Receive your Painting

Once approved your last review, we will ship to your door your pet painting.

Our Mission .

Creating photorealistic works of art of our pets and capturing their portraits in our homes.

Additionally, we will donate a percentage of the profits to animal shelters to support pets that haven't yet found a family